Monday, July 14, 2008

Bob Barr a real choice for President

I want to spread the word. There is some very exciting news. Bob Barr, who be one of three candidates on the ballot for President this year with O'Bama and McCain, will be speaking in Houston on Sunday, July 20th! Former Senator Barr's platform is based upon maintaining the balances delineated in the Constitution of the United States of America. Ensuring every American's civil liberties. Barr has been a major supporter of the ACLU, and a vehement watchdog over the abuse of power by the White House. He supports a non-intervention foreign policy with respect to use of the military. He respects the 4th amendment, the protection of citizens from unreasonable search and seizures. I ask that you give him your equal consideration with the other candidates. He is our only hope for the continued freedom of this nation.

For further info about the event, and to RSVP please visit the meetup.

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